Cirrus SR22 Starlink Mini - Wiki
People have asked for suggestions on power supplies, cords, Starlink plans, etc. Below are items confirmed working for us in our testing or confirmed in the COPA Forum/Cirrus Owners Facebook pages, etc. Feel free to reach out if you have further suggestions. Hopefully, this will save you some research time.
Starlink Plans:
Currently for speeds under 250Kts and above 100kts the "Land Mobility - Mobile Priority - 50GB" Plan is required at $250.00.
Power Supply:
The standard USB ports in the Cirrus SR aircraft cannot support the power requirements of the Starlink Mini, which requires power to either be supplied via a USB C power bank or an outlet installed in the aircraft. Below are reported working Portable Power Stations.
**LiFePO4 batteries - preference due to reduced fire risk, but requires larger batteries to match LiPo performance.
Anker SOLIX C300 ~>10hrs of runtime
Jackery Explorer 300 Plus
**LiPo Power Banks:
Anker 737 Power Bank (PowerCore 24K) ~2.5hrs of runtime
Anker Prime 27,650mAh Power Bank (250W) ~ 3hrs of runtime
Note - There are likely other power supplies that work without issue. Please review the Starlink Mini Specs page for clarification. Please search the COPA forum for information on installing a 24volt outlet in the luggage area, it appears to be the best longterm solution should you not want to use a portable power station.
Power Cable:
Starlink Mini Cable 6.5FT - shorter than the standard cable - helps keep the luggage area cleaner. It appears the 6.5ft cables are made by the same company, I would purchase whatever is cheapest with some positive reviews on Amazon.